Our engineer is a verb. We are the LSVR Team. Our info and highlights from our story are below.
Ryan L. Harne, James F. Will Career Development Associate Professor
B.S./M.S./Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech (2008/2009/2012)
Ph.D. Students
Chris Bentley
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young Univ. – Idaho. (2018)
Charles El Helou
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Lance Hyatt
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young Univ. (2018)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young Univ. (2020)
Haley Tholen
B.S. Engineering Mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (2021)
Undergraduate Research Students
Cameron Back
Ben Burlovic
Aidan Cliber
Laura Edwards
Addison George
Jamila Noguera-Devers
Postdoc Alumni
Dr. Maya Pishvar
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Oklahoma (2019)
Postdoc, Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019-2021)
Now: Assistant Professor at California State University, Northridge
Graduate Student Alumni
Mahnoor Ajaz
B.S. Electrical Engineering, National Univ. of Sciences and Tech. (Islamabad) (2017)
M.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2021)
Now: Researcher at GE
Dr. Wen Cai
B.S. Flight Vehicle Design and Eng., Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (2012)
M.S. Solid Mechanics, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (2015)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2021)
Now: Postdoc at Univ. of Michigan
Dr. Shichao Cui
B.S. Vehicle Engineering, Jilin Univ. (2016)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Now: Product Designer at Apple Inc.
Quanqi Dai
B.S./M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2016/2017)
Now: Reliability Engineer at Apple Inc.
Ben Goodpaster
B.S./M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017/2018)
Now: Researcher at the Los Angeles Air Force Base
Zach Nick
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, West Texas A&M Univ. (2016)
M.S. Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Nick Sears
B.S./M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017/2018)
Now: Researcher at the Naval Research Laboratory, Carderock
Vivek Srinivas
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (2018)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Now: Ph.D. student at The Ohio State Univ.
Dr. Sih-Ling Yeh
B.S. Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean Univ. (2012)
M.S. Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan Univ. (2015)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2021)
Ningxiner Zhao
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ. (2018)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Now: Ph.D. student at The Ohio State Univ.
Undergraduate Researcher Alumni
Justin Bishop
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Adam DeNise
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Katie Frost
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Carter Grimes
B.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Abdullahi Inshaar
B.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
John Kosnik
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Nolan LaMarche
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2020)
Anna Lebron
B.S. Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2021)
Mark Luke
B.S. Nuclear Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2018)
Danielle Lynd
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Andrew Maloney
B.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Inhyuk Park
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Sansriti Saxena
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Hamil Shah
B.S. Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2019)
Yu Song
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Daniel Urbanek
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2017)
Peter Vuyk
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Univ. (2018)
High School Researcher Alumni
Joseph Crump
Metro High School intern (2017)
Adam Groene
St. Charles High School intern (2018)
Beth Littman
Metro High School intern (2020)
Xander Rickard
Metro High School intern (2019)
Kate Swigert
Metro High School intern (2016)
Elijah Wold
Metro High School intern (2017)
February 22, 2023. Charles El Helou successfully defends his PhD dissertation, “Information Processing in Soft, Conductive Mechanical Materials”.
September 11, 2021. The LSVR heads to Stone Valley for a hike, picnic lunch, and kayaking. Perfect weather to be out and about!
April 30, 2021. The LSVR has had a wild Fall 2020 to Spring 2021 semester, balancing a major expansion of the lab across universities with the broad challenges of pandemic, while pursuing even greater research breakthroughs and ways to maintain team spirit! The LSVR gathered to celebrate the achievements of our Team Members throughout the academic year, including 3 graduations, to welcome a new Team Member (Haley Tholen), and to look forward to what the future months have to bring!
January 9, 2020. The LSVR hosts the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bagel-Donut-Coffee Day on the Scott Lab Bridge. The LSVR Team shares about their research in origami, flexible electronics, and controlling sound while everyone enjoys food and drinks complements of the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MEGA).

October 23, 2019. Sih-Ling Yeh successfully completes her PhD candidacy exam. Congratulations!

October 21, 2019. Wen Cai successfully completes her PhD candidacy exam. Congratulations!

September 19, 2019. Wen Cai, Sih-Ling Yeh, Ningxiner Zhao, and Zach Nick present their research during the NSF IUCRC Smart Vehicle Concepts Center autumn meeting research poster session. Great presentations!

September 5, 2019. The LSVR starts off a new academic year together!

May 23, 2019. Xander Rickard successfully defends his honors thesis for his Metro School research internship. Congratulations!

April 11, 2019. Ben Goodpaster (LSVR MS 2018) receives the inaugular 2019 Hirschvogel Excellence Award for the best MS thesis in the MAE Department in 2018. Congratulations Ben for this significant achievement and for setting the bar so high!

April 4, 2019. Adam DeNise successfully defends his undergraduate Honors Research Program thesis. Well done!

April 3, 2019. Charles El-Helou successfully defends his undergraduate Honors Research Program thesis. Superb!

April 2, 2019. Abdullahi Inshaar successfully defends his undergraduate Honors Research Program thesis. Excellent job!

March 28, 2019. Ningxiner Zhao, Charles El-Helou, Anpeksh Ambreesh Saksena, Zach Nick, and Vivek Srinivas give research poster presentation at the NSF IUCRC meeting of the Smart Vehicle Concepts Center. Great presentations!

March 4, 2019. Sih-Ling Yeh and Wen Cai present their research at the 2019 SPIE Smart Structures & Non-destructive Evaluation Conference in Denver, Colorado. Great presentations!

February 20, 2019. Adam DeNise, Charles El-Helou, and Abdullahi Inshaar present their research at the competitive 2019 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Congrats! Additional photos at the MAE tweet.

November 19, 2018. Peter Vuyk successfully defends his undergraduate Honors Research Thesis. Congrats Peter!

October 28, 2018. A mid-semester time to talk research and enjoy the sudden onset of the winter season, skipping fall.

September 5, 2018. Shichao Cui successfully defends her PhD candidacy proposal. Congratulations!

August 20, 2018. The Autumn semester begins. The LSVR gets it started.

July 17, 2018. The LSVR goes to the Columbus Zoo. Just because.

June 25, 2018. The LSVR undertakes a summer Research Show & Tell Breakfast mini-conference. Each Team Member researching during the summer presents about his or her work while the remainder of the Team take on bagels, fruit, coffee, and the like.

May 15, 2018. Xander Rickard shares his research on flat-foldable origami structures for acoustic wave guiding for the evaluators of his high school internship program. Great job Xander for a successful presentation!

April 29, 2018. The LSVR Team together.

April 25, 2018. Nick Sears defends his Master’s degree thesis. Congratulations on a successful defense!

April 20, 2018. Peter Vuyk receives the 2018 Outstanding Leadership and Research Award from the OSU Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Congratulations Peter!

April 10, 2018. Ben Goodpaster defends his Master’s degree thesis. Congratulations on a successful defense!

April 3, 2018. Peter Vuyk presents his research poster at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at OSU. Peter is investigating computational and experimental methods of illuminating and programming the impact mitigation properties of elastomeric material systems.

March 1, 2018. Shichao Cui, Sih-Ling Yeh, and Chengzhe Zou present their research posters as a part of the NSF I/UCRC Smart Vehicle Concepts Center spring meeting.

February 8, 2018. Shichao Cui is awarded the 2017 Beverley Swain Staley Leadership Graduate Scholarship, as selected by the Women of Transportation Society! Congratulations!

February 5, 2018. Chengzhe Zou defends his Ph.D. candidacy proposal. Congratulations!

December 13, 2017. Shichao Cui, Nick Sears, and Quanqi Dai present their research at Ford Motor Company as part of the Center for Automotive Research Industry Consortium Project Review Meeting.

December 10, 2017. LSVR gets together for a semester-ending meal and celebration of our graduate Quanqi Dai.

November 13, 2017. Quanqi Dai defends his Master’s degree thesis. Congratulations on a successful defense!

September 14, 2017. Inhyuk Park presents his research poster at the Fall Undergraduate Research Forum at OSU. Inhyuk is investigating magnetically coupled nonlinear energy harvesters for impulsive vibration applications.

August 7, 2017. Chengzhe Zou, Shichao Cui, Quanqi Dai, and Dr. Harne present and contribute to the 2017 ASME IDETC conference.

May 18, 2017. Joseph Crump successfully defends his internship research at the PAST Foundation. Congrats!

May 2, 2017. Shichao Cui presents her research poster on the subject of double porosity metamaterials as a part of the NSF I/UCRC Smart Vehicle Concepts Center spring meeting.

April 30, 2017. LSVR Team Gathering. Opportunity for relaxing time together over good food, and convenient chance for a group photo.

March 29, 2017. Justin Bishop, Ben Goodpaster, Danielle Lynd, Sansriti Saxena, Nick Sears, and Yu Song contribute to the 2017 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Congrats for the great presentations of your Undergraduate Honors Research efforts!

December 13, 2016. The LSVR Team: not really working (or, waiting for the food delivery to arrive).
August 31, 2016. Quanqi Dai and Dr. Harne present the LSVR research on vibration energy harvesting before H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
March 30, 2016. Quanqi Dai contributes to the 2016 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum and receives Fourth Prize for his poster presentation.